Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions for quality control processes

Why do a quality control ?

A quality control assures the client that the product they have purchased complies with all the production aspects involved: completed product, packing, quantity, quality and safety.

Who needs quality control ?

Quality controls are mainly valuable to purchasers who are assured that they are receiving the requested product, but also valuable to producers who receives the opportunity, in this way, to verify their performance in terms of customer satisfaction.

When should quality controls be carried out ?

The best moments to carry out quality controls are: at the initial stage of production, during the production process or the final product stage followed by the packing stage.

What is the duration of the quality control ?

In general, the inspections begin within two working days from the requested date for the inspection and the results are available within maximum the twenty-four hours following its completion.

Which goods can be inspected ?

Based on our experience of about twenty years, the methods we employ for quality controls can be applied on all consumer goods such as fabric, clothing, footwear, taps and fittings, general floor coverings (ceramic, marble, granite etc.), earthenware, bathroom furniture and accessories, internal and external furniture, plastic goods, electronic goods and appliances (lamps, vacuum cleaners, etc.), infancy furniture, toys, kitchenware, stationery and many more products except for food.